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时间:2023-04-15 16:36:54 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

当地时间2019年5月24日,英国首相特雷莎·梅(Theresa May)一袭红衣站在唐宁街10号前,向世界宣告她不到3年的首相生涯终结。作为英国史上第二位女首相,梅姨被评为继撒切尔夫人之后英国新的铁娘子。演讲最后,梅姨表示,能为挚爱的国家效力,心中只有无限感激。她曾满怀政治理想,然而近三年的脱欧周旋已让她焦头烂额,最终只能无奈辞职。


We have completed the work that David Cameron and George Osborne started: the deficit is almost eliminated, our national debt is falling and we are bringing an end to austerity.


  My focus has been on ensuring that the good jobs of the future will be created in communities across the whole country, not just in London and the South East, through our Modern Industrial Strategy.


We have helped more people than ever enjoy the security of a job.


  We are building more homes and helping first-time buyers onto the housing ladder — so young people can enjoy the opportunities their parents did.


  And we are protecting the environment, eliminating plastic waste, tackling climate change and improving air quality.


  This is what a decent, moderate and patriotic Conservative Government, on the common ground of British politics, can achieve - even as we tackle the biggest peacetime challenge any government has faced.


  I know that the Conservative Party can renew itself in the years ahead.


  That we can deliver Brexit and serve the British people with policies inspired by our values.


  Security; freedom; opportunity. Those values have guided me throughout my career.


  But the unique privilege of this office is to use this platform to give a voice to the voiceless, to fight the burning injustices that still scar our society.


  That is why I put proper funding for mental health at the heart of our NHS long-term plan.


  It is why I am ending the postcode lottery for survivors of domestic abuse.


  It is why the Race Disparity Audit and gender pay reporting are shining a light on inequality, so it has nowhere to hide.


  And that is why I set up the independent public inquiry into the tragedy at Grenfell Tower - to search for the truth, so nothing like it can ever happen again, and so the people who lost their lives that night are never forgotten.


  Because this country is a Union. Not just a family of four nations. But a union of people — all of us.


  Whatever our background, the colour of our skin, or who we love. We stand together. And together we have a great future.


  Our politics may be under strain, but there is so much that is good about this country. So much to be proud of. So much to be optimistic about.


  I will shortly leave the job that it has been the honour of my life to hold - the second female Prime Minister but certainly not the last.


  I do so with no ill-will, but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country I love.



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