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时间:2023-02-12 13:01:20 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


>Show host feud goes viral 中美女主播'约辩'贸易战

Liu Xin, host of "The Point", a current affairs program on CGTN, the overseas arm of China Central Television, and Trish Regan from Fox Business News are set to go head-to-head on Regan Primetime on the Fox Business Network on Thursday to debate the China-US trade frictions. 中国国际电视台时事栏目《欣视点》主持人刘欣30日将出现在福克斯商业新闻电视台主持人特丽什•里根的《黄金时段》节目中,与之展开一场有关中美贸易摩擦的争锋相对的辩论。

Liu rebutted statements made on the air by Regan on Wednesday about the need for the US government to fight an "economic war" with China. 22日,里根在其节目中宣扬美国政府对华"经济战"的必要性,刘欣驳斥了她的这番言论。

Regan defended herself in an 11-minute clip and tweeted an invitation for a debate on Thursday. 23日,里根又在节目中用了11分钟作出回应,并在推特上与刘欣约辩。

Liu responded saying that she will appear on Regan's show for an "honest debate on trade" instead of a "mud throwing game". 刘欣应约,称愿意进行一场"开诚布公的贸易辩论",而不是一场"互相诋毁的骂战"。

Posts on Sina Weibo about the spat between the two TV hosts had been viewed more than 120 million times by Monday morning, and prompted about 45,000 comments. 截至27日上午,微博上关于"中美女主播约辩"这一话题的阅读量已经超过1.2亿次,讨论量约达4.5万。

Chinese social media users are confident that Liu can get the upper hand. 中国的社交媒体用户相信刘欣将占据上风。

A pro-Brexit protester holds a placard near Environment Secretary Michael Gove, ahead of the forthcoming EU elections, outside of the Houses of Parliament in London, Britain, May 22, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>Candidates bid for PM post 英首相职位争夺战打响

At least eight candidates have joined the fray to battle it out to take over the reins from British Prime Minister Theresa May as the UK's ruling Conservative Party leadership contest gets underway. 近日,英国执政党保守党领导权争夺战打响,目前至少有八位候选人已加入到接替首相特雷莎•梅的角逐战中。

May had announced her resignation and is set to formally step down as Tory leader and PM on June 7. 梅日前宣布辞职,将于6月7日正式卸任保守党领导人和首相的职务。

The formal segment of the party leadership contest will then kick off on June 10. 保守党领导权争夺战将于6月10日拉开序幕。

While hard Brexiteer Boris Johnson, the former foreign secretary, is seen as the frontrunner to succeed May, the contest still remains wide open to at least seven other contenders. 尽管英国硬脱欧支持者、前外交大臣鲍里斯•约翰逊被视为最有可能接班梅的人选,但对另外至少7位角逐者来说这场选战仍有无限可能。

UK Environment Secretary Michael Gove became the latest Tory MP to announce his intention to challenge Johnson on Sunday. 26日,英国环境大臣迈克尔•戈夫成为最新宣布想要挑战约翰逊的保守党国会议员。

Among some of the other contenders eyeing Downing Street include the former Brexit secretary, Dominic Raab, and former Commons leader Andrea Leadsom. 其他有意角逐首相一职的人选还包括前脱欧事务大臣多米尼克•拉布、前议会下院领袖安德烈娅•利德索姆。

All the leadership contenders must make their position on Brexit clear to their electors. 所有党魁角逐者均须对选民就脱欧问题进行表态。

A handout photo made available by the Imperial Household Agencyshows (L-R) US first lady Melania Trump and President Donald J. Trump meeting Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako at the hotel where they were staying, in Tokyo, Japan, 28 May 2019.[Photo/IC]

>Trump meets new emperor 特朗普会见日本新天皇

US President Donald Trump on Monday became the first foreign leader to meet with Japan's newly enthroned Emperor Naruhito. 27日,美国总统特朗普成为首位会见日本新天皇德仁的外国元首。

The palace visit in the morning, followed by a royal banquet in the evening, was the main event in the four-day state visit to Japan that started Saturday. 25日,特朗普开始对日本进行为期四天的国事访问,27日上午到访皇宫是此行的一项重要活动,当晚还将参加御宴。

The president and first lady Melania Trump kicked off the visit with handshakes and greetings with Naruhito and Empress Masako. 特朗普总统和第一夫人梅拉尼娅与德仁天皇和皇后雅子分别握手、相互问候,开启了此次会面。

After his visit with Japan's new emperor, Trump will meet with Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo at Tokyo's official state guest house. 在与天皇的会面结束后,特朗普还将与日本首相安倍晋三在东京的国宾馆会面。

A newborn baby. [Photo/IC]

>Life expectancy increases 我国人均预期寿命77岁 The average life expectancy of Chinese people rose 42 years, from 35 years in 1949 to 77 years in 2018, according to a statistics communique recently released by the National Health Commission. 根据国家卫健委近期发布的健康公报,2018年我国居民人均预期寿命达到77岁,较1949年(人均预期寿命35岁)增加了42岁。

Life expectancy of Chinese people has been continuously increasing in recent years: from 76.34 years in 2015 to 76.5 years in 2016, to 76.7 years in 2017 and reaching 77 years in 2018. 近年来我国居民的预期寿命持续增长:由2015年的76.34岁提高到2016年的76.5岁,2017年提高到76.7岁,在2018年达到了77岁。

From 2017 to 2018, the infant mortality rate has dropped from 6.8 to 6.1 deaths per 1,000 live births, while the maternal mortality rate has fallen from 19.6 to 18.3 per 100,000 births, said the government statistics. 政府数据显示,2017年至2018年,婴儿死亡率从6.8‰下降到6.1‰,孕产妇死亡率从19.6/10万下降到18.3/10万。

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