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时间:2023-05-07 07:39:23 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Singapore is a country where high net worth people and high-quality people all over the world want to immigrate.


Today, let's introduce five ways of Singapore immigration. The fastest way is to get a green card in nine months.


First: investment immigration GIP.


This is the fastest way to get a Singapore green card at present. There is no one. The whole family can get a permanent green card in Singapore within 9 months.


However, this is also a project with the highest threshold in Singapore. Let's look at the application conditions:


1. The applicant has at least three years of entrepreneurial and business experience (the audit report of the reporting company in the last three years shall be provided);


2. The turnover of the company operated by the applicant in the last year must be no less than S $200 million (S $1 = 4.79 yuan), and the average annual turnover in the last three years must be no less than S $200 million;


3. The applicant shall hold more than 30% of the shares (if the company is a listed company, the applicant must be one of the largest individual shareholders);


4. The industry of the company must meet the list of industries designated by the Singapore Immigration Bureau;


5. Investment requirements: after obtaining the approval in principle, invest at least s $2.5 million in the "global business Investor Program Fund" approved by the Singapore government, with an investment period of 5 years.


In other words, you not only need to be able to invest about 12 million yuan in Singapore, but also need to have more than three years of business experience. The annual turnover of the company in the last three years needs to reach about 1 billion yuan.


Those who can meet such conditions are regarded as excellent entrepreneurs in China, such as Zhang Yong of Haidilao and Li Xiting of Mindray medical.


So although this is the best way to get a Singapore green card, the threshold is too high for most friends.


But it doesn't matter. I wish you all develop as soon as possible. In case you realize the class leap one day, keep this for reference. Let's introduce some relatively civilian immigration methods. I believe friends can use them.


The second is business immigration.


If you have a very good entrepreneurial idea or an invention patent, Singapore welcomes you to start a business there and make your ideas and patents a landing project here.

如果你拥有一个非常好的创业 idea,或者是有一个发明专利,那么新加坡是很欢迎你去那里创业,将你的想法和专利在这里成为落地的项目。

The project requires applicants to register a company in Singapore and hold at least 30% of the shares. Moreover, there are industry restrictions. It must be an innovative company recognized by the government, such as restaurants, travel agencies, Feng Shui institutions and so on.


In addition, you need to hire at least three Singapore employees. After meeting these conditions, you can apply for a permanent green card after two to three years.


The third kind: self-employed immigrants.


This is a little similar to business immigrants, who also immigrate by setting up a company, but the difference is that self-employed immigrants are not so strict about the industry.


You can invest in a local Singapore chain, hold at least 90% of the shares, and then "hire yourself" to work in Singapore as a store executive.


There are also requirements for the investment amount, with a minimum of S $500000. There will also be requirements for employees, and at least two local employees in Singapore will be employed.


The self-employed immigrant landed in Singapore with a work permit and can apply for permanent residence after two years.


Fourth: employer sponsored immigration.


If you can get a permanent job in Singapore, you can apply for employer sponsored immigration.


Of course, not all ordinary jobs can apply for employer sponsored immigration. After all, if locals are fully competent, the Singapore Immigration Bureau will not approve a foreigner to "grab a job".


Employers guarantee that immigrants have high requirements for the comprehensive quality of applicants, such as high education, professional skills, industry experience, age, salary level and so on.


Employer sponsored immigrants also have two types of talents: medium skilled talents, senior skilled talents and senior management talents.


There are these requirements for medium-sized technical talents:


1. Salary requirements: the monthly salary shall be at least s $2400 (if you have many years of experience in relevant fields, you need a higher salary level to be approved);


2. Job requirements: relevant working experience is required;


3. Education requirements: College / undergraduate / technical qualification certification.


There are these requirements for senior technical talents and senior management talents:


Salary requirements: monthly salary of at least s $3900 (if you have many years of experience in relevant fields, you need a higher salary level to be approved);


Salary requirements: monthly salary of at least s $3900 (if you have many years of experience in relevant fields, you need a higher salary level to be approved);


Educational requirements: university degree, professional qualification or professional skills.学历要求:具有大学学历、专业资格或专业技能。

The above two kinds of talents can help their families apply for visas only when their monthly salary reaches S $6000.


Fifth: study abroad immigrants.


In fact, studying in Singapore has always had a good market in China, because it is a Chinese country, and there will not be many obstacles in living habits and language. And through studying abroad, you also have the opportunity to immigrate to Singapore.


If you can meet the following three conditions, you have a better chance of staying in Singapore.


1. Living in Singapore for 2 years or more;

1.在新加坡居住 2 年或以上;

2. Study in Singapore (either public or private);


3. Passed a Singapore national level examination (HKCEE / O level / a level).

3.通过一项新加坡国家级别考试(升中会考/O Level/A Level)。

Singapore, as a country, has always been the most suitable destination for Chinese immigrants. Because it is not only prosperous and prosperous, but also a Chinese country, there is no cultural barrier for Chinese immigrants to come here. The immigration methods listed above are hard conditions that you must meet in order to apply for permanent residence. In addition, there are some additional soft conditions.


For example, the longer you stay in Singapore, the higher the success rate of your application. Because what Singapore wants is immigrants who are really willing to integrate into this country. There is also your family structure. A family of four is certainly more popular with the Immigration Bureau than a DINK family, because Singapore is also encouraging childbirth and encouraging families with higher quality to have more children.


Generally speaking, in addition to those who can smash 12 million local tyrants, they can get a Singapore green card within nine months, and the rest can only be applied for after at least two years. Immigration is not achieved overnight, especially in developed countries such as Singapore.


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