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时间:2023-03-03 20:36:34 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

个人状态。Personal Statement


After finalizing the calculation,I closed my sour eyes and stretched my self in my chair . The exhausted yet ecstatic moment crystalized all my accalizedThe persisting and repeated data analysis allowed me to locate The flaw of an improper scale of fixed asset investment . on The other hand,The flawingfor instance,Financing channels and investment portfolio seem too narrow and lack divers ification that external changes such as political chech


In September 2017、I became finance major in xx university、followed by an exchange program in xx university in 2019、Where the two academic

hile, I learned how to applyanalytic tools such as STATA and MATLAB in financial modelling.


My passion for Finance also comes from my research experiences. For example, when participating in the academic research project examining herd behavior in the Chinese stock market, I discovered my interest in empirical research. I firstly conducted the empirical research based on the CH (Christie and Huang) model. However, I noticed that the CH model had its drawbacks and limitations as only when the majority of investors had irrational herding behavior, the stock returns and market returns would converge. Thus, this test method was likely to underestimate the existence of herding effect in the market and lead to a not significant test result. It was reflected that under the circumstances of a large proportion of retail investors in the market, the CH model didn't work in testing the herding effect. Consequently, I adopted the CCK model instead to overcome the limitations mentioned above by constructing the cross-section absolute deviation of returns indicator (CSAD) to effectively identify the herd behavior in stock market, because in the CAPM asset pricing model, the market is perfectly effective and hence the deviation between individual stock return and the market return is linear related to the market return. The hard-won discovery corresponded to the truth that knowledge starts from practice, and inspired me to get involved in more practices.

我对金融的热情也来自于我的研究经历。例如,在参与研究中国股市羊群行为的学术研究项目时,我发现了自己对实证研究的兴趣。笔者首先基于CH (Christie and Huang)模型进行了实证研究。然而,我注意到CH模型有其缺陷和局限性,因为只有当大多数投资者有非理性羊群行为时,股票收益和市场收益才会收敛。因此,这种检验方法很可能低估了市场中羊群效应的存在,并导致不显著的检验结果。这反映出在市场中散户占很大比例的情况下,CH模型在检验羊群效应时不起作用。因此,我采用了CCK模型,通过构建横截面收益绝对偏差指标(CSAD)来有效识别股票市场中的羊群行为,以克服上述局限性,因为在CAPM资产定价模型中,市场是完全有效的,因此个股收益和市场收益之间的偏差与市场收益是线性相关的。这个来之不易的发现符合知识始于实践的真理,并激励我参与更多的实践。

With a firm theoretical grounding in Finance, I took the initiative to seek practical opportunities to apply the learned principles and concepts in a real business setting. During the period interning in the market research department in XX Capital Management Co., Ltd, I assisted in carrying out research into China’s hedge fund market via selecting the appropriate target funds and conducting comparative index analysis toward them. The role has exposed me to cutting edge financial information and technology services, which sparked my interest in the investment field as well as enhanced my quantitative skills. Afterwards, I have worked as an investment department assistant intern in XX Securities Co., Ltd. Drafting due diligence report helped me remain abreast of industry trends, regulatory matters, and market events impacting funds, managers, clients, and the industry.


In light of my career aspiration of entering the financial industry as a financial analyst in the short run and senior manager in the long run, the MSc Finance programme at UCL is a perfect match. The MSc Finance programme focuses on equipping students with a thorough understanding of the discipline, developing students' quantitative skills and the ability to integrate theories with practice especially in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting and Big Data Analytics, which fits well with my academic objectives. I firmly believe the proposed study can boost my future success in the financial industry.


注: 为保护学生隐私, 学校名及公司名以XX代替。

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