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时间:2023-02-22 17:41:11 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



















































Winding up is a proceeding by means of which company is dissolved and in course of dissolution, assets are realized, liabilities are paid off and surplus is distributed among members. Meeting of creditors is when a meeting is setup by the company to formulate a scheme for arrangement with its creditors. The Companies Act, 2013 not only gives powers to the company to negotiate with the creditors but also lays down the process of doing so. There is also appointment of liquidator in case of compulsory winding up. It is the liquidator who takes care of the credits of the company. Winding up procedure is governed by the Companies Act, 2013 and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. The provisions relating to ‘voluntary winding up’ and winding up on the ground of ‘inability to pay debts’ is governed under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 which was previously under Companies Act, 2013.

Voluntary Winding Up

Any corporate person who intends to liquidate itself voluntarily may initiate voluntary liquidation proceedings under the provisions of Section 59 of Chapter V of Part II of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. For voluntary winding up, the corporate person should not have committed any default.

Procedure for Conducting Meeting of Creditors

1. Declaration of Solvency

A corporate person may initiate a voluntary liquidation proceeding if majority of the directors or designated partners of the corporate person make a declaration to the effect that (i) the corporate person has no debt or it will be able to pay its debts in full from the proceeds of the assets to be sold under the proposed liquidation, and (ii) the corporate person is not being liquidated to defraud any person.

2. General Meeting for initiating Voluntary Winding Up

a. Notice to the creditor

The company must call for a meeting of creditors, and during this the general meeting of the company, the resolution for voluntary winding up is proposed. The notice for meeting of creditors is to be sent by post to the creditors at the same time with the sending of the notices related to the general meeting of the company for voluntary winding up. In addition to sending of the notice for meeting of creditors by post, the company must also cause to be advertised one time at least in the Official Gazette and one time at least in two newspapers circulating in the district where the registered office or principal place of business of the company is situated. There is no water tight rule for the winding up when it comes to voluntary winding up as The Companies Act, 2013 is amended and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is followed which does not recognise voluntary winding up unless there is insufficiency of funds which in turn will lead to compulsory winding up. Therefore, in case of voluntary winding up, only the general rule mentioned in this paragraph is followed considering the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Voluntary Liquidation Process) Regulation, 2017 which was later implemented.

b. Meeting of Creditors

At the meeting of creditors, the Board of directors of the company must present a statement of the position of the company affairs jointly with a list of the creditors of the company and the projected amount of their claims. It is the duty of the appointed director to be in charge of at the meeting of creditors to attend the meeting and preside at the same. Based on the decision of the two-thirds in value of creditors of the company, the next course of action on winding up of the company would be decided as follows:

i. If it is in the interest of all parties so as to the company be wound up on a voluntary basis, then the company will be wound up voluntarily; or

ii. If the company may not be able to pay for its debts in full from the assets proceeds sold in voluntary winding up, then a resolution can be passed for winding up of the company by a Tribunal.

A special resolution by the shareholder of the company is required for the company to be liquidated and appointment of an insolvency professional to act as the liquidator with the details of remuneration within four weeks from the date of declaration.

3. Intimation to other regulatory authorities

There has to be an intimation to the income tax department and other statutory departments about the commencement of liquidation by the Company. Intimation to the Company’s Banker regarding commencement of liquidation and opening of liquidation account of the said purpose.

4. Public announcement and claims

The Liquidator shall make a public announcement in Form A of Schedule I of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Voluntary Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2017 within 5 days from his appointment. The said public announcement shall call upon stakeholders to submit their claims as on the liquidation commencement date and provide 30 days’ time for stakeholders to claim their dues. The liquidator submits a Preliminary report to the Company within 45 days from the liquidation commencement date detailing the capital structure of the company, estimates of its assets and liabilities, proposed plan of action for carrying out the liquidation, estimating liquidation cost and time.

5. Realisation of assets and payment of liabilities

The liquidator has to sell the assets and realise the money and distribute the same to the stakeholders. Liquidator shall finish the liquidation process within 12 months from the liquidation commencement date.

6. Final Report

On the completion of liquidation, liquidator shall prepare the final report containing the details prescribed in Rule 38 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Voluntary Liquidation Process) Regulation, 2017. The liquidator has to submit the report to the RoC and Board and make an application to NCLT for the dissolution of the company.

Compulsory Winding Up

The petition for compulsory winding up can be presented to the appropriate authority by:

a) The company; or

b) The creditors (contingent/ prospective creditors /creditors); or

c) Any contributory or contributories; or

d) All or any person specified in (a) (b) (c) together; or

e) By the Central or the State government; or

f) By the Registrar or any person authorised by the Central government for that purpose.

In this case they appoint a liquidator who verify the claim of all the creditors.

Public Announcement by the Liquidator

The liquidator shall make a public announcement in Form A of Schedule I to the aforesaid Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Voluntary Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2017, within five days from his appointment in one English and one regional language newspaper and on the website of the corporate person, if any.

The public announcement shall call upon stakeholders to submit their claims as on liquidation commencement date and provide for last date for submission of claims which shall be thirty days from the liquidation commencement date.

Claims by the Stakeholders


A person claiming to be an operational creditor of the corporate person shall submit proof of claim to the liquidator in Form B of Schedule I[1].


A person claiming to be a financial creditor of the corporate person shall submit proof of claim to the liquidator in Form C of Schedule I[2].


A person claiming to be a workman or an employee of the corporate person shall submit proof of claim to the liquidator in Form D (for individual claimant)/E (for a group of claimants) of Schedule I[3].


A person claiming to be a stakeholder other than those mentioned above, of the corporate person shall submit proof of claim to the liquidator in Form F of Schedule I[4].

The liquidator shall verify the claims submitted within 30 days from the last date for receipt of claims and may either admit or reject the claim, in whole or in part, as the case may be. The liquidator shall prepare the list of stakeholders on the basis of claims submitted within 45 days from the last date for receipt of claims.

Distribution of Proceeds and Unclaimed Proceeds of Liquidation

The liquidator shall open a bank account in the name of the corporate person followed by the words ‘involuntary liquidation’ in a scheduled bank for receipts and payments of all amount.

The liquidator shall distribute the proceeds from realization within six months from the receipt of amount to other claimants and the stakeholders.

If there are any unclaimed proceeds of liquidation or undistributed assets, the liquidator shall make an application before the NCLT (National Company Law Tribunal) for an order to pay such proceeds into the Companies Liquidation Account in the Public Account of India before the order of dissolution is passed and necessary intimation of such payment has to be given to the Registrar.

Completion of Liquidation

The liquidator shall complete the liquidation process within 12 months from the liquidation commencement date. If the liquidation process continues for more than 12 months, the liquidator shall hold a meeting of the contributories within 15 days from the end of 12 months from the liquidation commencement date and at the end of every succeeding twelve months till the dissolution of corporate person.

The liquidator shall present the Annual Status Report indicating the progress in liquidation including the settlement of list of stakeholders, details of assets remaining to be sold and realized, distribution made to the stakeholders etc.


To conclude, there are widely two kinds of winding up, that is, voluntary as well as compulsory. Both the ways provide the claims that the creditors holds in the companies through different ways. This ensures time bound settlement of insolvency which in turn help to solve India’s bad debt problem.

It can be observed that the burden of winding up has been shifted from High Court to the Tribunal and winding up due to insufficiency of funds is not complied by Companies Act, 2013 anymore but it comes under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs seems to be in hurry to shift the burden of corporate litigation from the High Court to the Tribunal which may be inconvenient as the Tribunal is already overburdened due to the pending litigation under 2013 Act. It will be very interesting to observe as to how the tribunal deals with fresh applications under the 2013Act and well as the Code.

It can also be observed that there have been many frequent amendments to The Companies Act, 2013 which led to complete removal of voluntary winding up in this statute bringing it under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 had not mentioned the proper procedure of winding up voluntarily and this brought in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Voluntary Liquidation Process) Regulation, 2017 that was needed to clarify the situation as voluntary winding up of company cannot be done away with altogether. Thus, the proper procedure for voluntary winding up came into effect by April 2017. The frequent amendments present the fickleness of the government and they seem to be uncertain in this situation.

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