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时间:2023-02-18 23:40:35 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

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2021级新疆学生入校第173天:故事分享半天闲 社团申报表格填

2022-02-20 Sunday周日Sunny晴We need to remember that circumstances don’t make a person. They reveal a person. ——Emma Jameson 我们必须记住,环境不会造就一个人,它揭露一个人。——艾玛‧詹姆森

Emma Jameson is an American author whose British detective novels have appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists, mostly set in inner London.艾玛‧詹姆森是美国作家,其英国侦探小说已被列入《纽约时报》及《今日美国》畅销书排行榜,作品多以伦敦市区为背景。词汇注释:remember /rɪˈmembər/ v. 回想起,记得;记起,忆起(某事物) ;circumstances /ˈsɜːrkəmstænsɪz/ n. 环境,状况;(尤指经济上的) 境况;原委(circumstance 的复数);reveal /rɪˈviːl/ v. 揭示,透露;表明,证明;展示,显示。

Making a poster about a writer:As a class, discuss some ancient or modern Chinese writers and writers of other countries. Then in Groups, choose a writer to research. Collect some information about this writer from the Internet to get ready for the project. Research your chosen writer. Use the ideas below to help you. Suggest a famous writer about whom you will make a poster and give your reasons. Vote to decide on the choice of the writer. Designing the poster;Sorting the information;Drawing and writing;Presenting the poster. Try to include important information. Use section headings and key words to make the poster easy to read. Make your posters eye-catching. (artistic and decorative); Use different fonts. Decide on the layout (content, pictures, font …) Draft the poster. Proofread the poster and make suggestions. Make some changes and finalize the poster. As a group, put together your information to make your poster. Use the example below to help you. Then present your poster to the class. When giving a presentation, you need to: speak clearly and confidently; make eye contact with your audience; talk at a proper speed and pause when it is necessary to give your audience time to think about what you have said; keep your facial expressions relaxed and friendly. Prize motivation: “who with hallucinatory realism merges folk takes, history and the contemporary.”

Cultivate students' interest in reading and form the habit of reading. Inspire students to think, feel the value of life and the beauty of life, and practice the valuable qualities of gratitude, cooperation, communication and sharing. First of all, we provide some touching English stories, which touch the soul and arouse people to think deeply, dig out their inner feelings, open their hearts and share their experience. Through reading, students can broaden their knowledge, improve their English expression ability and enhance their self-confidence and sense of achievement. In order to stimulate the students' innovative thinking and the courage to express the courage and ability to develop a lively and sunny attitude and hard positive enterprising spirit. Provide engaging and soul-stirring English reading materials. To make students like reading, first of all, we should start from the materials, original English materials, fresh examples, human nature, soul touch, and self-reflection. Serious experience, research and discussion, learning for reference, to achieve absorption internalization. Read to inspire, share and open your heart. Group reading communication, share their own experience and perception, modify, and improve the supplement, simple writing summary, perfect presentation submission. Stage speech presentation in batches, other people listen to comments, add ideas, read the material in a limited time, coherent plot expression, feeling freely, wisdom thinking presentation.培养学生阅读兴趣,养成爱读书的习惯。激发同学们动脑思考,感受生命的宝贵和生活的美好,练就懂得感恩、合作交流、乐于分享的宝贵品质。首先提供一些感人的英语故事,触动灵魂,引人深思,挖掘内心感受,打开心扉,分享体会。通过阅读扩宽知识面,利用交流读书心得提高英语表达能力,增强同学们的自信心和成就感。从而激发同学们的创新思维和勇于表达的勇气和能力,培养活泼阳光的心态和坚硬不拔的积极进取精神。提供引人入胜、触动灵魂的英语阅读材料。让学生喜欢阅读,首先要从材料上下手,原汁原味的英语材料,鲜活的事例,人性的彰显,灵魂的触动,到自我反省。认真体会,研究探讨,借鉴学习,达到吸收内化。通过阅读,激发感受,分享体会,打开心扉。以小组为单位进行读书交流,分享各自心得和感悟,进行修改,并加以完善补充,简单书写概括,完美呈现提交。分批前台演讲展示,其他人聆听点评,观点补充,材料限时阅读,情节表达连贯,感想畅所欲言,智慧思考呈现。


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