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时间:2023-11-27 作者:佚名


( ) 1.a. mum b.want c.way( ) 2.a. pencil b.pen c.play( ) 3.a. look b.light c. fly( ) 4.a.shop b.five c.seven( ) 5.a.face b.cinema c.thirty( ) 6.a.monday b.yellow c.sunday( ) 7.a.sock b. skirt c. shirt( ) 8.a.ball b. supermarket c. to( ) 9.a.bag b.classroom c.with( ) 10.a.school b.cold c.bike二、选出你所听到的句子。

( )1.a.i read a book. b. i write a story. c.idraw a picture.( ) 2.a.is this his dress? b. yes, it is . c. i like your skirt.( ) 3.a.i bursh my teeth. b.i wash my face. c.i put on my clothes.( ) 4.a. excuse me. b.i go to school by bike. c.i go to the restaurant by car.( ) 5.a. let’s go shopping b. let’s go to the tea shop. c.what is he wearing?( )6.a.no, they aren’t. b.yes, they are. c.these are new trousers.( )7.a.i watch tv after dinner. b.iplay on the computer. c.iwrite a story.( )8.a.we fly kites. b.we play catch with a ball. c.we read books.( )9.a.what do you do? b.where’s the library? c.this way , please..( )10.a.is it far from here? b.no, it’s near. c.ican show you..笔试部分


衬衫( ) 新的( ) 他们( ) 星期( ) 读( ) 家庭作业( ) 打扫( ) 洗( ) 街道( ) 图书馆( )二、英汉单词对应,将序号填在括号中(10分)

a.yellow b. play with c. where d. school e. shorts f. these g. miss h. watch i. do j. bed床( ) 黄色( ) 短裤( ) 这些( ) 看( ) 和...一起玩( ) 小姐( ) 在哪里( ) 做( ) 学校( )三、句子与汉语意思对应,将字母序号填在括号中。(10分)

a.i’m lost. where’s the zoo?

b.excuse me. can you help me?

c. in the evening, i do my homework.

d.iplay on the computer

e. i clean my bedroom.

f. these are new trousers.

g.let’s go to the park to fly kites.

h. go straight and turn left.

i. i play catch with a ball.

j.what do you do on sunday?

( )1.直走然后向左转

( )2. 我迷路了,动物园在哪里?

( )3.让我们去公园放风筝。

( )4.打扰了,你能帮助我吗?

( )5.这是新的裤子。

( )6.我玩电脑。

( )7.在晚上,我做家庭作业。

( )8.我打扫我的卧室。

( )9.你星期天在做什么?

( )10. 我玩接球游戏。


( ) 1.当你要打扰别人时,你应说

a. thank you. b. excuse me. c. sorry.( ) 2.当某人向你问路,你想指给他时,你应该说

a.i can show you. b. excuse me. c. thank you!( ) 3.爸爸问你今天星期几时,应说

a. where’s it? b. what day is it? c. what’s this?( ) 4.当你想知道去图书馆怎么走时,你应该询问别人

a. how are you? b. where’s the library? c. how old are you?( ) 5.当你建议大家一起去购物时,你应说

a.i want to go shopping. b. i like tomato. c. let’s go shopping.( )6.你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说

a.red is stop. b.yellow is wait. c.yellow is go。( )7.我给朋友打电话是下列那句的汉语意思

a.i watch tv after dinner. b. i talk on the phone with my friends. c. i listen to music.( )8.当你想问别人:你想买什么,你应该这样问

a.what do you want to buy ? b. let’s go to the book shop. c. don’t use that bag.( )9.当你想说:我给我的故事配画,你应该说

a.i read a book . b. i write a story. c.idraw a picture for my story.( )10.let’s go to the library to____.

a .watch a movie. b.fly kites c. read a book五、句子搭配,从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答语,将字母序号填在括号中。(10分)

( )1.thank you.a. he is wearing a green sweater.( ) 2. what is he wearing?b. no, it’s kim’s cap.( ) 3. is this your cap?c. no, it’s near.( ) 4. what do you do in the morning?d. yes, please.( ) 5. is it far from here?e. i want to buy a new dress.( ) 6. may i help you?f. you’re welcome.( ) 7. what do you want to buy?g.. it’s 40 yuan.( ) 8. how much is it?h. go straight and turn left.( ) 9. where’s the zoo?i. thanks.( ) 10. i like your skirt..j. i brush my teeth.



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