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时间:2023-11-13 作者:佚名


( )1、 a、 window b、 board c、 black

( )2、 a、 fifty b、book c、 five

( )3、 a、 colour b、 chinese book c、 math book

( )4 、a、 thin b、 strong c、student

( )5、 a、 music b、 nose c、 mouth

( )6、 a、 bag b、 pencil c、 we

( )7、 a、 computer b、 big c、 small

( )8、 a、 book b、 teacher c、 ruler

( )9、 a、 desk b、 chair c、 computer game

( )10、a、 teacher b、 student c、 school


1、 b_g 2、 b__k 3、 t__cher 4、 fr___d 5、 p__cil

包 书 教 师 朋 友 铅 笔

6、 st_d__t 7、 r_ler 8、 g__l 9、 penc_l-case 10、 b_y

学 生 尺子 女孩 铅笔盒 男孩

三、单项选择。( 10分)

( )1、i have __english book.

a 、a b 、an c 、two

( )2、how many __do you have?

a、 pencils b 、pencil c 、pen

( )3、i have a sister.__name is chenjie

a 、his(他的) b、 she c、 her(她的)

( )4、__is my seat?

a、 what b、 where c 、how

( )5、__is she?she is amy.

a、 what b 、where c、 who

( )6、__colour is it?

a、 what b、 where c、 who

( )7、let__clean the window.

a 、i b、 me c、 we


window thirteen music chinese book

sports pencil door seven

desk twenty-four ruler science

math chair fifty english book

科 目:___________

数 字:___________


杂 物:___________

五、从b 栏中找出a栏相对应的答语。(10分)

a b

( )1、how many pencils do you have? a、 his name is mike.

( )2、where is my seat? b、 sure.here you are.

( ) 3、what colour is this bag? c、 i have thirty pencils.

( ) 4、what is his name? d、 it is near the door.

( ) 5、may i have a look? e、 it is orange.

( ) 6 .how many english books can you see? f、 she is my sister.

( ) 7、who is she? g、 i can see five.


a、 have b、 what c、 how d、 here you are e、 have f、 may

amy:hi!chenjie, i__a new schoolbag.

chenjie:really?__colour is it?

amy:it is black and white. look!

chenjie:wow!it is a panda!__ nice!

amy:i__many books.

chenjie:a fat panda!

chenjie:__i have a look?



i have a friend.her name is wangchen.she is ten.she is a girl .she is from shanghai.she is beatiful.she has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair. she likes english. we are good friends.

( )1、wangchen is a boy.

( )2、she is twelve.

( )3、she is from shanghai.

( )4、she has a big mouth.

( )5、she likes english very much.



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