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多少钱用英语怎么说 How Much is it?

时间:2023-08-23 作者:佚名

How to Say "How Much Money" in English

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to ask someone about the price of something, but don't know how to phrase the question? Here, we'll cover some common ways to ask about the cost of something in English.

How Much is it?

One of the most straightforward ways to ask about the price of something is to ask "how much is it?" For example, if you're shopping at a store and want to know the price of a shirt, you can simply ask the salesperson, "Excuse me, how much is this shirt?"

What's the Price?

Another common way to ask about the cost of something is to say, "what's the price?" This is similar to asking "how much is it?" but may feel more formal or polite. For example, if you're at a flea market and want to know the price of a piece of art, you can ask the seller, "Excuse me, what's the price of this painting?"

How Much Does it Cost?

If you want to be more specific about asking for the cost of something, you can use the question, "how much does it cost?" This works well if you already have an idea of what you're looking for and want to know the price of a specific item. For example, if you're calling a hotel to book a room, you can ask the receptionist, "Hi, I'm interested in booking a room. How much does it cost per night?"

What's the Asking Price?

In certain situations, such as buying a car or negotiating a price for a rental property, you may use the phrase "what's the asking price?" This indicates that you're interested in buying the item but would like to know the starting price before entering into negotiations. For example, if you're interested in buying a car advertised online, you can ask the seller, "What's the asking price for the car?"

How Much Money Do You Want?

This question is typically used in situations where you're negotiating with someone about the price of something. It may come off more assertive or even confrontational, so it's essential to use it in context. For example, if you're trying to buy a used item from an individual seller, you can ask, "How much money do you want for it?"


Knowing how to ask about the cost of something in English is essential, whether you're traveling, shopping, or negotiating. By using the phrases above, you can easily communicate your question and get the information you need.



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