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时间:2023-08-22 作者:佚名

Seen: My Journey of Discovering the World

As humans, we are always craving for new experiences and to discover the world beyond our comfort zones. Being someone who loves to explore new places, I have had many opportunities to see and learn different cultures and lifestyles.

First Time Travelling Abroad

My first trip abroad was to Singapore with my family. When I was 10 years old, I remember being fascinated by the cleanliness of the streets and the high-rise buildings. It was a stark contrast to the area where I grew up, where chaos and clutter dominated. I saw a different side of the world that day, and it was exhilarating.

From that point on, I vowed to explore as many parts of the world as possible. My parents instilled in me the importance of travelling and learning about diverse cultures, and it became an essential part of my life.

Exploring the Rich History of Europe

After finishing college, I embarked on a solo backpacking trip across Europe. I visited popular tourist destinations like Paris, Rome, and Barcelona, but I also ventured off the beaten path to see lesser-known places like the villages in Tuscany and the castles in Scotland.

In Paris, I saw the Eiffel Tower in all its glory, but I also explored the hidden streets that led to quaint patisseries and cozy bookshops. In Rome, I witnessed the grandeur of the Colosseum and the Vatican, but I also fell in love with the winding alleys filled with flowers and street performers.

Throughout my journey, I saw how the past has shaped the present, and I was humbled by the resilience of the people who survived wars, disasters, and societal changes.

Seeing Nature in Its Raw Beauty

As much as I love exploring cities and its culture, I also appreciate the beauty of nature. It's amazing how the world can offer different kinds of sceneries that are magnificent in their own way.

I have seen the Northern Lights in Norway, the Grand Canyon in Arizona, the beaches in Bali, and the cherry blossoms in Japan. Each experience deepened my appreciation for the natural world and reminded me of how small I am compared to the vastness of the universe.

Travelling to Find Myself

Travelling may seem like an escape from real life, but for me, it has been a way to discover my true self. Being in a foreign land, away from things that are familiar, allows me to reflect on my life's purpose and how I can contribute to the world.

I have met people from all walks of life who have inspired me to be more compassionate, more patient, and more courageous. I have also faced challenges that tested my patience, my resilience, and my values.

But through it all, I have seen that the world is full of opportunity and that I am capable of achieving my dreams. Whether it's taking a solo trip to a new country or pursuing a passion that I thought was impossible, I have seen that what matters most is the willingness to try.


Looking back at my journey so far, I can say that exploring the world has given me a new perspective on life. It has opened my eyes to the beauty and complexity of different cultures and has taught me valuable lessons that I'll carry with me throughout my life.

I encourage everyone to see as much of the world as possible, to embrace new experiences, and to discover themselves in the process. Travel has the power to transform lives, and I consider myself lucky to have seen and experienced so much.



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