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talk的过去式 Step 1: Joining a Toastmasters Club

时间:2023-08-22 作者:佚名

Talked: My Experience with Public Speaking

Public speaking has always been something that has intimidated me. The thought of standing in front of a group of people, all eyes on me, waiting for me to say something brilliant, was daunting to say the least. However, as I got older and started working in various professional settings, I realized that being able to speak confidently and articulately in front of others was a valuable skill. So, I decided to face my fears and take some steps towards becoming a more confident public speaker.

Step 1: Joining a Toastmasters Club

The first step I took towards improving my public speaking skills was joining a local Toastmasters club. Toastmasters is an international organization that provides a supportive environment for individuals looking to improve their public speaking and leadership abilities. My local club held weekly meetings where members would give speeches, receive feedback, and participate in impromptu speaking exercises. It was nerve-wracking at first, but I quickly realized that everyone in the club was there to support each other and help each other grow.

Step 2: Practicing Regularly

One of the keys to becoming a more confident public speaker is regular practice. It’s not something that can be mastered overnight, but with consistent effort, improvement is possible. Outside of my Toastmasters meetings, I started looking for opportunities to speak in public whenever possible. This included volunteering to give presentations at work and even speaking at a friend’s wedding. Each time I spoke in public, I gained a little more confidence and learned something new that I could apply to my next speech.

Step 3: Preparing Thoroughly

Another important aspect of public speaking is preparation. Whether you’re giving a speech to a large audience or just presenting an idea to your colleagues, it’s important to prepare thoroughly. This includes researching your topic, outlining your main points, and rehearsing your delivery. I found that the more I prepared in advance, the less nervous I felt when it was time to speak. I also learned to anticipate questions and prepare answers in advance, which helped me feel more confident during Q&A sessions.

Step 4: Getting Feedback

Finally, one of the most valuable aspects of my public speaking journey was getting feedback from others. In Toastmasters, each speech is evaluated by another member who provides constructive criticism and feedback on both the content and delivery of the speech. This feedback was invaluable in helping me identify areas for improvement and develop new techniques for engaging my audience. Even outside of Toastmasters, I sought out feedback from colleagues and friends who had heard me speak. While it can be difficult to hear criticism, it’s an important part of the learning process.


Talking in front of others is never going to be easy for me, but by taking these steps to improve my public speaking skills, I’ve become much more confident and effective when addressing an audience. Whether you’re looking to advance your career, make a difference in your community, or just conquer your fears, I encourage you to take the first step and start working on your public speaking skills. It may not be easy, but the rewards are worth the effort.



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