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fat的比较级 What does fatter mean?

时间:2023-08-22 作者:佚名

Fatter: A Deep-Dive into the Comparative Form of Fat

When it comes to comparative forms of adjectives, we often hear the use of -er to denote a comparison between two things. And when it comes to the adjective fat, the comparative form becomes fatter. In this article, we will dive deeper into the comparison of fat and explore its meaning, usage, and examples.

What does fatter mean?

The comparative form of fat, fatter, is used to describe someone or something that has a greater amount of body fat or weight than another person or thing. It is a comparative form that helps us compare the degree of fatness between two entities. For example, we can say "I am fatter than my sister" or "This cake is fatter than the one I had yesterday."

Comparative Structures with Fatter

There are different structures that we can use with the comparative form fatter. One way is to use "than" after the adjective. For example, "The elephant is fatter than the horse." Another way is to use "of" after the noun. For example, "The waistline of the older man is fatter than that of the younger man."

Another structure used with the comparative form fatter is the double comparative. This is when we use "more" and "than" together with the adjective. For example, "She is more self-conscious about her weight than she was before" or "He is more worried about getting fatter than his health."

Idioms and Expressions with Fatter

Like any other adjective, fatter has idioms and expressions that we use in everyday conversation. One of the most common expressions is "the fatter the better," which is used to show appreciation or preference for things that are fatty or indulgent. For example, "I love deep-fried food; the fatter, the better!" Another common expression is "fat chance," which means there is little chance of something happening. For example, "Fat chance that I will finish this report on time."

Using Fatter Appropriately

While the comparative form of fat, fatter, is a common word, there are times when it is inappropriate to use. It is a word that can cause harm or hurt someone's feelings. For example, it is not advisable to use it to describe someone who is overweight. Instead, use a neutral word such as "larger" or "heavier."

Additionally, it is essential to consider the context in which you are using the word fatter. Using it in a casual or joking manner can be interpreted as insensitive and hurtful. It is always better to be mindful of the words we use and how they can influence others.


In conclusion, the comparative form of fat, fatter, is used to describe someone or something that has a greater amount of body fat or weight than another person or thing. It is a common word that we use in different structures and also has idioms and expressions. However, it is essential to use it appropriately and with sensitivity to avoid hurting others.



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