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时间:2023-08-20 作者:佚名

League of Legends New Champion – YoneThe Return of the Unforgotten

Recently, League of Legends has introduced a new champion known as Yone – the Unforgotten. This new swordsman has made quite an impact in the gaming community. This article intends to delve into Yone's background story, abilities, and strategies to help players explore his full potential.

Background Story of Yone

Yone's story starts with a tragedy – his younger brother Yasuo, also a champion in League of Legends, killing their master. This event pushed Yone into a life of vengeance, seeking to bring Yasuo to justice for the murder. While on his mission, Yone was killed by Yasuo. However, Yone was eventually brought back to life by a spirit named the Masked One, who transformed him into a wraith-like being.

Now, Yone is a warrior between life and death. The Unforgotten has returned with a vengeance and is ready to take on his younger brother, Yasuo, in the Summoner's Rift.

Abilities of Yone

Yone's abilities focus on his quick and deadly swordplay, allowing him to rush in and deal massive damage to his enemies. Here is a breakdown of his abilities:

Way of the Hunter (Passive) – Yone gains double critical strike chance from all sources but can only crit for 180% damage.

Mortal Steel (Q) – Yone thrusts forward with his sword, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a line. This ability has a two-part mechanic. If Yone doesn't press Q again after the first cast, his next attack within a few seconds will be a stronger version of Mortal Steel that deals more damage and knocks up the target. But if Yone presses Q again after the first cast, he teleports to the location of the last struck enemy.

Spirit Cleave (W) – Yone's sword gathers energy before releasing a circular wave around him, dealing physical damage and slowing enemies. During Spirit Cleave's cast time, Yone becomes briefly untargetable and gains a shield that decays once the spell finishes casting.

Soul Unbound (E) – Yone dashes forward, damaging enemies along his path and marking champions. Upon reaching his destination or re-casting the ability, Yone will teleport back to his original location, unleashing a percentage of the damage he dealt to marked champions. If the marked champion dies, Yone gains a shield and can recast Soul Unbound within 10 seconds. However, recasting the ability will cause Yone to teleport to the marked champion's location rather than his initial position.

Fate Sealed (R) – Yone unleashes his full power, becoming untargetable and dashing towards a target champion. Upon reaching the champion, Yone deals physical damage and stuns them for a short duration. After a short delay, all enemies hit with the initial ult hit are dealt additional physical damage.

Strategies with Yone

Yone is a versatile champion capable of both offensive and defensive play styles. His kit allows him to engage quickly and deal massive damage to his enemies. However, playing aggressively can also leave him vulnerable to counter-attacks, making it essential to choose the right moments to strike.

Yone is most effective in the mid-lane, where he can gain levels and items quickly to support his aggressive play style. Building critical strike chance items such as Infinity Edge and Essence Reaver can further boost Yone's critical strike damage, allowing him to deal massive damage in team fights.

In conclusion, Yone – the Unforgotten, is an impressive addition to League of Legends. Yone's abilities and playstyle provide new and exciting gameplay options for players as they explore his potential on the battlefield. Now it's time for players to master the unconventional ways of the wraith-like swordsman and make Yone a valuable asset to their team.



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